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Opticka 2.16.1
Opticka is an experiment manager for behavioral research.
▼Cdynamicprops | |
▼CbaseStimulus | BaseStimulus is the superclass for all stimulus objects |
CannulusStimulus | AnnulusStimulus TODO |
CapparentMotionStimulus | ApparentMotionStimulus, inherits from baseStimulus |
▼CbarStimulus | BarStimulus single bar stimulus, inherits from baseStimulus |
CrfMapper | Receptive field mapper rfMapper is a mouse driven receptive field mapper, using various keyboard commands to change the stimulus and and ability to record where the mouse is (i.e. draw) in screen co-ordinates to save as a hand map image for storage. It is based on barStimulus, and you can change length + width (h, j, l & k on keyboard) and texture of the bar (space), and angle (arrow keys), and colour of the bar and background (numeric keys). Right/middle mouse draws the current position into a buffer, you can turn on and off visualising drawing buffer with ; and use ' to reset the drawn positions. See the checkKeys method for better description of what the keyboard commands do |
CcheckerboardStimulus | CheckerBoardStimulus – using a GLSL shader to make the checkerboard |
CcolourGratingStimulus | Colour grating stimulus, inherits from baseStimulus COLOURGRATINGSTIMULUS colour grating stimulus, inherits from baseStimulus The basic properties are: type = 'sinusoid' or 'square', if square you should set sigma which smoothes the interface and stops pixel motion artifacts that normally inflict square wave gratings, set sigma to 0 to remove smoothing. colour = first grating colour colour2 = second grating colour baseColour = the midpoint between the two from where contrast works, defult just inherits the background colour from screenManager correctBaseColour = automatically generate baseColour as the average of colour and colour2 contrast = contrast from 0 - 1 sf = spatial frequency in degrees tf = temporal frequency in degs/s angle = angle in degrees rotateTexture = do we rotate the grating texture (true) or the patch itself (false) phase = phase of grating mask = use circular mask (true) or not (false) |
CdiscStimulus | Single disc stimulus, inherits from baseStimulus DISCSTIMULUS single disc stimulus, inherits from baseStimulus |
CdotlineStimulus | Show lines made of dots |
CdotsStimulus | DotsStimulus simple variable coherence dots stimulus, inherits from baseStimulus |
CexampleStimulus | |
CfixationCrossStimulus | Draw fixation cross from Thaler L, Schütz AC, Goodale MA, & Gegenfurtner KR (2013) "What is the best fixation target: The effect of target shape on stability of fixational eye movements." Vision research 76, 31-42 http://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2012.10.012 |
CgaborStimulus | Copyright ©2014-2022 Ian Max Andolina — released: LGPL3, see LICENCE.md |
CgratingStimulus | Single grating stimulus, inherits from baseStimulus GRATINGSTIMULUS single grating stimulus, inherits from baseStimulus The basic properties are: sf = spatial frequency in degrees tf = temporal frequency in degs/s angle = angle in degrees rotateTexture = do we rotate the grating texture (true) or the patch itself (false) phase = phase of grating contrast = contrast from 0 - 1 mask = use circular mask (true) or not (false) correctPhase = set the phase from the center rather than edge sigma = optional smoothing for circular masks |
CimageStimulus | Show images or directories full of images |
ClogGaborStimulus | LogGaborStimulus: orientation & SF band-pass limited filter |
CmovieStimulus | MovieStimulus is the class for movie based stimulus objects |
CndotsStimulus | NdotsStimulus limited lifetime coherence dots stimulus |
CplaidStimulus | PlaidStimulus TODO |
CpolarBoardStimulus | Polar checkerboard stimulus, inherits from baseStimulus POLARBOARDSTIMULUS inherits from baseStimulus The basic properties are: type = '', 'randdrift', 'spiraldrift', 'sine' colour = first grating colour colour2 = second grating colour baseColour = the midpoint between the two from where contrast works, defult just inherits the background colour from screenManager correctBaseColour = automatically generate baseColour as the average of colour and colour2 contrast = contrast from 0 - 1 sf = spatial frequency in degrees tf = temporal frequency in degs/s angle = angle in degrees rotateTexture = do we rotate the grating texture (true) or the patch itself (false) phase = phase of grating mask = use circular mask (true) or not (false) |
CpolarGratingStimulus | Polar grating stimulus, inherits from baseStimulus POLARGRATINGSTIMULUS inherits from baseStimulus The basic properties are: type = 'radial' or 'circular' or 'spiral' colour = first grating colour colour2 = second grating colour baseColour = the midpoint between the two from where contrast works, defult just inherits the background colour from screenManager correctBaseColour = automatically generate baseColour as the average of colour and colour2 contrast = contrast from 0 - 1 sf = spatial frequency in degrees tf = temporal frequency in degs/s angle = angle in degrees rotateTexture = do we rotate the grating texture (true) or the patch itself (false) phase = phase of grating mask = use circular mask (true) or not (false) |
CpupilCoreStimulus | Single disc stimulus, inherits from baseStimulus SPOTSTIMULUS single spot stimulus, inherits from baseStimulus The current properties are: |
CrevcorStimulus | RevcorStimulus stimulus, inherits from baseStimulus |
▼CspotStimulus | Single disc stimulus, inherits from baseStimulus SPOTSTIMULUS single spot stimulus, inherits from baseStimulus The current properties are: |
CcolourTest | Colour test is a simple RGB colour blender for teaching |
CtargetInducerStimulus | Target inducer stimulus, inherits from baseStimulus |
CtaskSequence | Block-based variable randomisation manager |
▼Chandle | |
CarduinoIOPort | ArduinoIOPort - modified legacy ardino interface using PTB IOPort interface for serial communication and adding a new timedTTL function for asynchronous TTL output (i.e. returns immediately to MATLAB even if the TTL is for a long time) |
CarduinoSerial | |
CarduinoSerialPort | |
CcalibrateLuminance | CalibrateLuminance: automatic luminance calibration |
CdataConnection | DataConnection Connects and manages a socket connection |
▼CeyetrackerSmooth | Smoothes incoming eye sample data |
CiRecManager | Manages the iRec eyetrackers https://staff.aist.go.jp/k.matsuda/iRecHS2/index_e.html |
CpupilCoreManager | Manages the Pupil Labs Core |
CtobiiManager | Manages the Tobii eyetrackers |
ClabJack | LABJACK Connects and manages a LabJack U3 / U6 |
ClabJackT | LABJACKT Connects and manages a LabJack T4 / T7 This class handles digital I/O and analog I/O and analog streaming. Connection can be USB or network. Network is slightly lower latency than USB |
▼CoptickaCore | OptickaCore base class inherited by other opticka classes |
▼CanalysisCore | AnalysisCore base class inherited by other analysis classes. analysisCore is itself derived from optickaCore. Provides a set of shared methods and some core properties and stats GUI for various analysis classes |
CLFPAnalysis | |
CLFPMeta | |
CeyelinkAnalysis | EyelinkAnalysis offers a set of methods to load, parse & plot raw EDF files. It understands opticka trials (where EDF messages TRIALID start a trial and TRIAL_RESULT ends a trial by default) so can parse eye data and plot it for trial groups. You can also manually find microsaccades, and perform ROI/TOI filtering on the eye movements |
CiRecAnalysis | IRecAnalysis offers a set of methods to load, parse & plot raw CSV files. It understands opticka trials (where CSV messages INT start a trial and 255 ends a trial by default) so can parse eye data and plot it for trial groups. You can also manually find microsaccades, and perform ROI/TOI filtering on the eye movements |
CspikeAnalysis | |
CtobiiAnalysis | EyelinkAnalysis offers a set of methods to load, parse & plot raw EDF files. It understands opticka trials (where messages TRIALID start a trial and TRIAL_RESULT ends a trial by default) so can parse eye data and plot it for trial groups. You can also manually find microsaccades, and perform ROI/TOI filtering on the eye movements |
CanimationManager | ANIMATIONMANAGER Provides per frame paths for stimuli We integrate dyn4j java physics engine for rigid body. The plan is to also support sinusoidal, brownian, circular etc |
CarduinoManager | Arduino Manager > Connects and manages arduino communication. By default it connects using arduinoIOPort (much faster than the MATLAB serial port interface) and the adio.ino arduino sketch (the legacy arduino interface by Mathworks), which provide much better performance than MATLAB's current hardware package |
CaudioManager | |
CbaseStimulus | BaseStimulus is the superclass for all stimulus objects |
CcolourManager | ColourManager manages colours wrapping the CRS Color Toolbox |
CdPixxManager | DataPixx Communication Class |
CeyeOccluder | |
▼CeyetrackerCore | |
CeyelinkManager | EyelinkManager wraps around the eyelink toolbox functions offering a consistent interface and methods for fixation window control. See eyetrackerCore for the common methods that handle fixation windows etc |
CiRecManager | Manages the iRec eyetrackers https://staff.aist.go.jp/k.matsuda/iRecHS2/index_e.html |
CpupilCoreManager | Manages the Pupil Labs Core |
CtobiiManager | Manages the Tobii eyetrackers |
CioManager | Input Output manager, currently just a dummy class |
CmagstimManager | MagstimManager - controls a MagStim Rapid TMS system using a LabJack |
CmetaStimulus | Manager for multiple stimuli |
CnirSmartManager | Input Output manager, currently just a dummy class |
Copticka | GUI Manager for runExperiment() class |
CplusplusManager | Display++ Communication Class |
CplxReader | |
CrunExperiment | The main experiment manager |
CscreenManager | ScreenManager — manage opening and configuring the PTB screen |
CstateMachine | Run a task via a series of states |
CtaskSequence | Block-based variable randomisation manager |
CtouchManager | Manages touch screens (wraps the PTB TouchQueue* functions), and provides touch area management methods |
CopxOnline | OpxOnline Provides an interface between Opticka and the Plexon for online data display |
CparseOpxSpikes | |
CsendSerialIOPort | |
CtempController | |
CtittaAdvImageStimulus | |
CtittaAdvMovieStimulus | |
CtittaCalStimulus | |
CuserFunctions | Customised user functions for a task run |