function | LFPMeta (in varargin) |
| Constructor.
function | add (in me, in varargin) |
| add LFPAnalysis objects to the meta list
function | process (in me, in varargin) |
function | run (in me, in varargin) |
| run the averaging of the data
function | load (in me, in varargin) |
function | save (in me, in varargin) |
function | spawn (in me, in varargin) |
function | toggleSaccades (in me, in varargin) |
function get | nSites (in me) |
| get method for nSites
function | quit (in me, in varargin) |
function | cleanPaths (in me, in varargin) |
function | select (in me, in varargin) |
| plot individual
function | plotSite (in me, in varargin) |
| plot individual
function | plot (in me, in varargin) |
| plot individual
function | setOptions (in me, in varargin) |
| setOptions shows the analysis options
function | editweight (in me, in varargin) |
function | remove (in me, in varargin) |
function | reparse (in me, in varargin) |
function | parse (in me, in varargin) |
function | reset (in me, in varargin) |
function | analysisCore (in varargin) |
| Class constructor.
function | checkPaths (in me, in varargin) |
| checkPaths: if we've saved an object then load it on a new machine paths to source files may be wrong. If so then allows us to find a new directory for the source files.
function | showEyePlots (in me, in varargin) |
| showEyePlots if we have a linked eyelink file show the raw data plots
function | showInfo (in me, in varargin) |
| showInfo shows the info box for the plexon parsed data
function | setStats (in me, in varargin) |
| setStats set up the stats structure used in many Fieldtrip analyses
function set | baselineWindow (in me, in in) |
function | optimiseSize (in me) |
| optimiseSize remove the raw matrices etc. to reduce memory
function | GUI (in me, in varargin) |
| show a GUI if available for analysis object
function | initialise (in me, in varargin) |
function | setTimeFreqOptions (in me, in varargin) |
| setTimeFreqOptions for Fieldtrip time freq analysis of LFP data
function | optickaCore (in varargin) |
| Class constructor.
function get | fullName (in me) |
function | getALF (in me, in subject, in sessionPrefix, in lab, in create) |
function | findAttributes (in me, in attrName, in attrValue) |
function | findAttributesandType (in me, in attrName, in attrValue, in type) |
| find properties of object with specific attributes, for example all properties whose GetAcccess attribute is public and type is logical.
function | findPropertyDefault (in me, in propName) |
function | clone (in me) |
| Use this syntax to make a deep copy of the object, i.e. OBJ_OUT has the same field values, but will not behave as a handle-copy of me anymore.
function | checkSuperclasses (in List) |
function | editProperties (in me, in properties) |
| method to modify a set of properties
function | setProp (in me, in property, in value) |
| method to fast change a particular value. This is useful for use in anonymous functions, like in the state machine.
function | initialiseGlobals (in me, in doReset, in doOpen) |
function | initialiseSaveFile (in me) |
| Initialise Save prefix.
function | checkPaths (in me) |
| checks the paths are valid
function | generateSitesInfo (in me, in idx) |
| generates the selection information
function | generateSitesList (in me) |
| generates the list shown in the GUI
function | closeUI (in me) |
function | makeUI (in me) |
function | notifyUI (in me, in varargin) |
function | updateUI (in me) |
function | initialiseOptions (in me) |
| initialise settings for fieldtrip time frequency analysis
function | inheritPlxReader (in me, in p) |
| Allows two analysis objects to share a single plxReader object. This is important in cases where for e.g. an LFPAnalysis object uses the same plexon file as its spikeAnalysis child used for spike-LFP anaysis.
function | setSelection (in me, in in) |
| set trials / var parsing from outside, override dialog, used when yoked to another analysis object, for example when spikeAnalysis is a child of LFPAnalysis
function | initialiseStats (in me) |
| initialise the statistics options, see setStats()
function | formatByClass (in me, in dp, in dn) |
| format data for ROC
function | roc (in me, in data) |
| ROC see http://www.subcortex.net/research/code/area_under_roc_curve.
function | auc (in me, in data, in alpha, in flag, in nboot, in varargin) |
| Area under ROC.
function | aucBootstrap (in me, in data, in nboot, in flag, in H0) |
| AUC bootstrap.
function | parseArgs (in me, in args, in allowedProperties) |
| Sets properties from a structure or normal arguments pairs, ignores invalid or non-allowed properties.
function | addArgs (in me, in args) |
function | setPaths (in me) |
| Sets properties from a structure or normal arguments pairs, ignores invalid or non-allowed properties.
function | getFonts (in me) |
| set paths for object
function | toStructure (in me) |
| Converts properties to a structure.
function | getType (in me, in in) |
function | logOutput (in me, in in, in message, in override) |
| Give a metaproperty return the likely property class.
function | salutation (in me, in varargin) |
| Prints messages dependent on verbosity.
static function | doFFT (in p, in fs, in ff, in normalise, in useHanning) |
| phaseDifference basic phase diff measurement
static function | phaseDifference (in x, in y) |
| phaseDifference basic phase diff measurement
static function | phase (in x) |
| phase basic phase measurement
static function | subselectFieldTripTrials (in ft, in idx) |
| subselectFieldTripTrials sub-select trials where the ft function fails to use cfg.trials
static function | findNearest (in in, in value) |
| find nearest value in a vector, if more than 1 index return the first
static function | linearFit (in x, in y) |
static function | var2SE (in var, in dof) |
| convert variance to standard error
static function | rad2ang (in alphain, in rect, in rot) |
static function | ang2rad (in alpha) |
static function | stderr (in data, in type, in onlyerror, in alpha, in dim, in avgfn) |
static function | areabar (in xv, in yv, in ev, in c1, in alpha, in varargin) |
static function | pupilConversion (in value, in cal, in calSize) |
static function | cellArray2Num (in data) |
static function | optimalLayout (in len) |
| calculates preferred row col layout for multiple plots
static function | optimalColours (in n_colors, in bg, in func) |
| make optimally different colours for plots Copyright 2010-2011 by Timothy E. Holy
static function | parsecolor (in s) |
static function | colorstr2rgb (in c) |
static function | makeArgs (in args) |
| Converts cell args to structure array.
static function | addDefaults (in args, in defs) |
| add default options to arg input
static function | hasKey (in in, in key) |
| check if a struct / object has a propery / field
static function | getKeys (in device) |
| PTB Get key presses, stops key bouncing.
Property | panels |
| UI panels.
Property | yokedSelection |
| do we yoke the selection to the parent object (e.g. LFPAnalysis > spikeAnalysis)
Property | handles |
| handles for the GUI
Property | cloning |
| are we cloning this from another object
Property | mversion |
| Matlab version number, this is transient so it is not saved.
Property | sansFont |
| sans font
Property | monoFont |
| monoFont
Property | className |
| class name
Property | savePrefix |
| save prefix generated from clock time
Property | fullName_ |
| cached full name