Opticka 2.16.1
Opticka is an experiment manager for behavioral research.
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polarBoardStimulus Class Reference

polar checkerboard stimulus, inherits from baseStimulus POLARBOARDSTIMULUS inherits from baseStimulus The basic properties are: type = '', 'randdrift', 'spiraldrift', 'sine' colour = first grating colour colour2 = second grating colour baseColour = the midpoint between the two from where contrast works, defult just inherits the background colour from screenManager correctBaseColour = automatically generate baseColour as the average of colour and colour2 contrast = contrast from 0 - 1 sf = spatial frequency in degrees tf = temporal frequency in degs/s angle = angle in degrees rotateTexture = do we rotate the grating texture (true) or the patch itself (false) phase = phase of grating mask = use circular mask (true) or not (false) More...

Detailed Description

polar checkerboard stimulus, inherits from baseStimulus POLARBOARDSTIMULUS inherits from baseStimulus The basic properties are: type = '', 'randdrift', 'spiraldrift', 'sine' colour = first grating colour colour2 = second grating colour baseColour = the midpoint between the two from where contrast works, defult just inherits the background colour from screenManager correctBaseColour = automatically generate baseColour as the average of colour and colour2 contrast = contrast from 0 - 1 sf = spatial frequency in degrees tf = temporal frequency in degs/s angle = angle in degrees rotateTexture = do we rotate the grating texture (true) or the patch itself (false) phase = phase of grating mask = use circular mask (true) or not (false)

See docs for more property details.

spatial and temporal frequency is approximated

Copyright ©2014-2022 Ian Max Andolina — released: LGPL3, see LICENCE.md

Inheritance diagram for polarBoardStimulus:

Public Member Functions

function polarBoardStimulus (in varargin)
 Class constructor.
function setup (in me, in sM)
 Setup this object in preparation for use When displaying a stimulus object, the main properties that are to be modified are copied into cache copies of the property, both to convert from visual description (c/d, Hz, degrees) to computer metrics, and to be animated and modified as independant variables. So xPosition is copied to xPositionOut and converted from degrees to pixels. The animation and drawing functions use these modified properties, and when they are updated, for example to change to a new xPosition, internal methods ensure reconversion and update any dependent properties. This method initialises the object with all the cache properties for display.
function set_cOut (in me, in value)
function set_c2Out (in me, in value)
function set_sfOut (in me, in value)
function set_sf2Out (in me, in value)
function set_tfOut (in me, in value)
function set_reverseDirectionOut (in me, in value)
function set_sizeOut (in me, in value)
function set_xPositionOut (in me, in value)
function set_yPositionOut (in me, in value)
function update (in me)
 Update this stimulus object for display.
function draw (in me)
 Draw this stimulus object for display.
function animate (in me)
 Animate this object for runExperiment.
function reset (in me)
 Reset an structure for runExperiment.
function set sf (in me, in value)
 sf Set method
function set colour2 (in me, in value)
 SET Colour2 method Allow 1 (R=G=B) 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA) value colour.
function set baseColour (in me, in value)
 SET baseColour method Allow 1 (R=G=B) 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA) value colour.
- Public Member Functions inherited from baseStimulus
virtual setup (in runObject)
 ALL Children must implement these 5 methods!
function baseStimulus (in varargin)
 Class constructor.
function set colour (in me, in value)
 colour set method Allow 1 (R=G=B) 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA) value colour
function set alpha (in me, in value)
 alpha set method
function get delta (in me)
 delta Get method delta is the normalised number of pixels per frame to move a stimulus
function get dX (in me)
 dX Get method X position increment for a given delta and angle
function get dY (in me)
 dY Get method Y position increment for a given delta and angle
function show (in me)
 Method to set isVisible=true.
function hide (in me)
 Method to set isVisible=false.
function setOffTime (in me, in time)
 set offTime
function setDelayTime (in me, in time)
 set delayTime
function resetTicks (in me)
 reset the various tick counters for our stimulus
function getMousePosition (in me)
 get mouse position we make sure this is only called once per animation tick to improve performance and ensure all stimuli that are following mouse position have consistent X and Y per frame update This sets mouseX and mouseY and mouseValid if mouse is within PTB screen (useful for mouse override positioning for stimuli)
function run (in me, in benchmark, in runtime, in s, in forceScreen, in showVBL)
 Run stimulus in a window to preview it.
function makePanel (in me, in parent)
 make a GUI properties panel for this object
function selectFilePanel (in me, in varargin)
 read values from a GUI properties panel for this object
function readPanel (in me, in varargin)
 read values from a GUI properties panel for this object
function showPanel (in me)
 show GUI properties panel for this object
function hidePanel (in me)
 hide GUI properties panel for this object
function closePanel (in me, in varargin)
 close GUI panel for this object
function cleanHandles (in me, in ignoredArg)
 clean any handles
function getP (in me, in name, in range)
 gets a property copy or original property
function setP (in me, in name, in value)
 sets a property copy or original property
function updateXY (in me, in x, in y, in useDegrees)
 Update only position info, faster and doesn't reset image etc.
- Public Member Functions inherited from optickaCore
function optickaCore (in varargin)
 Class constructor.
function get fullName (in me)
function getALF (in me, in subject, in sessionPrefix, in lab, in create)
function findAttributes (in me, in attrName, in attrValue)
function findAttributesandType (in me, in attrName, in attrValue, in type)
 find properties of object with specific attributes, for example all properties whose GetAcccess attribute is public and type is logical.
function findPropertyDefault (in me, in propName)
function clone (in me)
 Use this syntax to make a deep copy of the object, i.e. OBJ_OUT has the same field values, but will not behave as a handle-copy of me anymore.
function checkSuperclasses (in List)
function editProperties (in me, in properties)
 method to modify a set of properties
function setProp (in me, in property, in value)
 method to fast change a particular value. This is useful for use in anonymous functions, like in the state machine.
function initialiseGlobals (in me, in doReset, in doOpen)
function initialiseSaveFile (in me)
 Initialise Save prefix.
function checkPaths (in me)
 checks the paths are valid

Public Attributes

Property type
Property colour2
 second colour of a colour grating stimulus
Property baseColour
Property arcValue
 arc segment start angle and width in degrees (0 disable)
Property arcSymmetry
 shoud arc be symmetrical
Property centerMask
 do we mask (size in degrees) the centre part?
Property sf
Property tf
 temporal frequency of the grating
Property sf2
 "spatial frequency" of the radial grating (number of spokes)
Property sigma
 only used for type='sine'
Property rotateTexture
 rotate the grating patch (false) or the grating texture within the patch (default = true)?
Property phase
 phase of grating
Property contrast
 contrast of grating (technically the contrast from the baseColour)
Property mask
 use a circular mask for the grating (default = true).
Property reverseDirection
Property direction
 the direction of the grating object if speed > 0.
Property correctBaseColour
Property phaseReverseTime
 Reverse phase of grating X times per second? Useful with a static grating for linearity testing.
Property phaseOfReverse
 What phase to use for reverse?
Property visibleRate
 turn stimulus on/off at X hz, [] diables this
Property family
Property scale
 scale is used when changing size as an independent variable to keep sf accurate
Property phaseIncrement
 the phase amount we need to add for each frame of animation
Constant Property typeList
Property ignorePropertiesUI
 properties to not show in the UI panel
- Public Attributes inherited from baseStimulus
Property type
 stimulus type
Property xPosition
Property yPosition
Property size
Property colour
Property alpha
 Alpha (opacity) [0-1], this gets combined with the RGB colour.
Property startPosition
Property speed
Property angle
 angle in degrees (0 - 360)
Property delayTime
Property offTime
 time to turn stimulus off, relative to stimulus onset
Property isVisible
 true or false, whether to draw() this object
Property mouseOverride
 override X and Y position with mouse input? Useful for RF mapping
Property showOnTracker
 show the position on the Eyetracker display?
Property verbose
 Do we log extra details to the command-line?
Property xFinal
Property yFinal
Property mvRect
Property szIsPx
Property szPx
 computed size in pixels
Property szD
 computed size in °
Property xFinalD
 X and Y position in °
Property yFinalD
Property isRect
Property tick
 tick updates +1 on each call of draw (even if delay or off is true and no stimulus is drawn, resets on each update
Property drawTick
 draw tick only updates when a draw is actually performed, resets on each update
Property ppd
 pixels per degree (normally inhereted from screenManager)
Property delta
 What our per-frame motion delta is.
Property dX
 X update which is computed from our speed and angle.
Property dY
 X update which is computed from our speed and angle.
- Public Attributes inherited from optickaCore
Property name
 object name
Property comment
Property verbose
 verbose logging, subclasses must assign this. This is normally logical true/false
Property dateStamp
 clock() dateStamp set on construction
Property uuid
 universal ID
Property paths
 storage of various paths
Property fullName
 The fullName is the object name combined with its uuid and class name.

Protected Member Functions

function setRect (in me)
 setRect setRect makes the PsychRect based on the texture and screen values this is modified over parent method as gratings have slightly different requirements.
function calculateScale (in me, in ignoredArg, in ignoredArg)
 calculateScale Use an event to recalculate scale as get method is slower (called many more times), than an event which is only called on update
function calculatePhaseIncrement (in me, in ignoredArg, in ignoredArg)
 calculatePhaseIncrement Use an event to recalculate as get method is slower (called many more times), than an event which is only called on update
function fixBaseColour (in me, in varargin)
 fixBaseColour POST SET
function updateSFs (in me)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from baseStimulus
function addRuntimeProperties (in me)
 These are transient properties that specify actions during runtime.
function updateRuntimeProperties (in me)
 Update transient properties that specify actions during runtime.
function computePosition (in me)
 compute xFinal and yFinal (in pixels) taking startPosition, xPosition, yPosition and direction/angle into account
function setAnimationDelta (in me)
function setRect (in me)
function toStructure (in me, in tmp)
 Converts properties to a structure.
function removeTmpProperties (in me)
 Finds and removes dynamic properties.
function delete (in me)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from optickaCore
function parseArgs (in me, in args, in allowedProperties)
 Sets properties from a structure or normal arguments pairs, ignores invalid or non-allowed properties.
function addArgs (in me, in args)
function setPaths (in me)
 Sets properties from a structure or normal arguments pairs, ignores invalid or non-allowed properties.
function getFonts (in me)
 set paths for object
function toStructure (in me)
 Converts properties to a structure.
function getType (in me, in in)
function logOutput (in me, in in, in message, in override)
 Give a metaproperty return the likely property class.
function salutation (in me, in varargin)
 Prints messages dependent on verbosity.

Protected Attributes

Property sfCache
Property sf2Cache
Property allowedProperties
 allowed properties passed to object upon construction
Property ignoreProperties
 properties to not create transient copies of during setup phase
Property phaseCounter
 how many frames between phase reverses
Property maskValue
 mask value (radius for the procedural shader)
Property shader
 the raw shader, we can try to change colours.
Property needUpdate
 these store the current colour so we can check if update needs
Property colourCache
Property colour2Cache
Property visibleTick
Property visibleFlip
Property cMaskTex
Property cMaskRect
- Protected Attributes inherited from baseStimulus
Property family
 the stimulus family (grating, dots etc.)
Property texture
 Our texture pointer for texture-based stimuli.
Property handles
 handles for the GUI
Property sM
 our screen manager
Property animator
 animation manager
Property screenVals
 screen settings generated by sM on setup
Property isSetup
Property isGUI
 is panel constructed?
Property dstRect
 initial screen rectangle position [LEFT TOP RIGHT BOTTOM]
Property mouseValid
 is mouse position within screen co-ordinates?
Property mouseX
 mouse X position
Property mouseY
 mouse Y position
Property delayTicks
 delay ticks to wait until display
Property offTicks
 ticks before stimulus turns off
Property inSetup
 are we setting up?
Property delta_
 delta cache
Property dX_
 dX cache
Property dY_
 dY cache
Property isInSetColour
 deal with interaction of colour and alpha
Property setLoop
Property ignorePropertiesBase
 Which properties to ignore cloning when making transient copies in setup.
Property ignorePropertiesUIBase
 Which properties to not draw in the UI panel.
- Protected Attributes inherited from optickaCore
Property cloning
 are we cloning this from another object
Property mversion
 Matlab version number, this is transient so it is not saved.
Property sansFont
 sans font
Property monoFont
Property className
 class name
Property savePrefix
 save prefix generated from clock time
Property fullName_
 cached full name

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from baseStimulus
enum  Events { readPanelUpdate }
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from baseStimulus
static function d2r (in degrees)
static function r2d (in r)
static function findDistance (in x1, in y1, in x2, in y2)
 findDistance in X and Y coordinates
static function updatePosition (in delta, in angle)
 updatePosition returns dX and dY given an angle and delta
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from optickaCore
static function makeArgs (in args)
 Converts cell args to structure array.
static function addDefaults (in args, in defs)
 add default options to arg input
static function hasKey (in in, in key)
 check if a struct / object has a propery / field
static function getKeys (in device)
 PTB Get key presses, stops key bouncing.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ polarBoardStimulus()

function polarBoardStimulus::polarBoardStimulus ( in  varargin)

Class constructor.

More detailed description of what the constructor does.

argsare passed as a structure of properties which is parsed.
instance of class.

Member Function Documentation

◆ animate()

function polarBoardStimulus::animate ( in  me)

Animate this object for runExperiment.

Reimplemented from baseStimulus.

◆ baseColour()

function set polarBoardStimulus::baseColour ( in  me,
in  value 

SET baseColour method Allow 1 (R=G=B) 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA) value colour.

◆ calculatePhaseIncrement()

function polarBoardStimulus::calculatePhaseIncrement ( in  me,
in  ignoredArg,
in  ignoredArg 

calculatePhaseIncrement Use an event to recalculate as get method is slower (called many more times), than an event which is only called on update

◆ calculateScale()

function polarBoardStimulus::calculateScale ( in  me,
in  ignoredArg,
in  ignoredArg 

calculateScale Use an event to recalculate scale as get method is slower (called many more times), than an event which is only called on update

◆ colour2()

function set polarBoardStimulus::colour2 ( in  me,
in  value 

SET Colour2 method Allow 1 (R=G=B) 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA) value colour.

◆ draw()

function polarBoardStimulus::draw ( in  me)

Draw this stimulus object for display.

Reimplemented from baseStimulus.

◆ fixBaseColour()

function polarBoardStimulus::fixBaseColour ( in  me,
in  varargin 

fixBaseColour POST SET

◆ reset()

function polarBoardStimulus::reset ( in  me)

Reset an structure for runExperiment.

rErunExperiment object for reference
stimulus structure.

Reimplemented from baseStimulus.

◆ set_c2Out()

function polarBoardStimulus::set_c2Out ( in  me,
in  value 

◆ set_cOut()

function polarBoardStimulus::set_cOut ( in  me,
in  value 

◆ set_reverseDirectionOut()

function polarBoardStimulus::set_reverseDirectionOut ( in  me,
in  value 

◆ set_sf2Out()

function polarBoardStimulus::set_sf2Out ( in  me,
in  value 

◆ set_sfOut()

function polarBoardStimulus::set_sfOut ( in  me,
in  value 

◆ set_sizeOut()

function polarBoardStimulus::set_sizeOut ( in  me,
in  value 

◆ set_tfOut()

function polarBoardStimulus::set_tfOut ( in  me,
in  value 

◆ set_xPositionOut()

function polarBoardStimulus::set_xPositionOut ( in  me,
in  value 

◆ set_yPositionOut()

function polarBoardStimulus::set_yPositionOut ( in  me,
in  value 

◆ setRect()

function polarBoardStimulus::setRect ( in  me)

setRect setRect makes the PsychRect based on the texture and screen values this is modified over parent method as gratings have slightly different requirements.

◆ setup()

function polarBoardStimulus::setup ( in  me,
in  sM 

Setup this object in preparation for use When displaying a stimulus object, the main properties that are to be modified are copied into cache copies of the property, both to convert from visual description (c/d, Hz, degrees) to computer metrics, and to be animated and modified as independant variables. So xPosition is copied to xPositionOut and converted from degrees to pixels. The animation and drawing functions use these modified properties, and when they are updated, for example to change to a new xPosition, internal methods ensure reconversion and update any dependent properties. This method initialises the object with all the cache properties for display.

sMscreenManager object to use

◆ sf()

function set polarBoardStimulus::sf ( in  me,
in  value 

sf Set method

◆ update()

function polarBoardStimulus::update ( in  me)

Update this stimulus object for display.

Reimplemented from baseStimulus.

◆ updateSFs()

function polarBoardStimulus::updateSFs ( in  me)


Member Data Documentation

◆ allowedProperties

Property polarBoardStimulus::allowedProperties

allowed properties passed to object upon construction

◆ arcSymmetry

Property polarBoardStimulus::arcSymmetry

shoud arc be symmetrical

◆ arcValue

Property polarBoardStimulus::arcValue

arc segment start angle and width in degrees (0 disable)

◆ baseColour

Property polarBoardStimulus::baseColour

base colour from which colour and colour2 are blended via contrast value if empty [default], uses the background colour from screenManager

◆ centerMask

Property polarBoardStimulus::centerMask

do we mask (size in degrees) the centre part?

◆ cMaskRect

Property polarBoardStimulus::cMaskRect

◆ cMaskTex

Property polarBoardStimulus::cMaskTex

◆ colour2

Property polarBoardStimulus::colour2

second colour of a colour grating stimulus

◆ colour2Cache

Property polarBoardStimulus::colour2Cache

◆ colourCache

Property polarBoardStimulus::colourCache

◆ contrast

Property polarBoardStimulus::contrast

contrast of grating (technically the contrast from the baseColour)

◆ correctBaseColour

Property polarBoardStimulus::correctBaseColour

In certain cases the base colour should be calculated dynamically from colour and colour2, and this enables this to occur blend

◆ direction

Property polarBoardStimulus::direction

the direction of the grating object if speed > 0.

◆ family

Property polarBoardStimulus::family

◆ ignoreProperties

Property polarBoardStimulus::ignoreProperties

properties to not create transient copies of during setup phase

◆ ignorePropertiesUI

Property polarBoardStimulus::ignorePropertiesUI

properties to not show in the UI panel

◆ mask

Property polarBoardStimulus::mask

use a circular mask for the grating (default = true).

◆ maskValue

Property polarBoardStimulus::maskValue

mask value (radius for the procedural shader)

◆ needUpdate

Property polarBoardStimulus::needUpdate

these store the current colour so we can check if update needs

◆ phase

Property polarBoardStimulus::phase

phase of grating

◆ phaseCounter

Property polarBoardStimulus::phaseCounter

how many frames between phase reverses

◆ phaseIncrement

Property polarBoardStimulus::phaseIncrement

the phase amount we need to add for each frame of animation

◆ phaseOfReverse

Property polarBoardStimulus::phaseOfReverse

What phase to use for reverse?

◆ phaseReverseTime

Property polarBoardStimulus::phaseReverseTime

Reverse phase of grating X times per second? Useful with a static grating for linearity testing.

◆ reverseDirection

Property polarBoardStimulus::reverseDirection

direction of the drift; default = false means drift left>right when angle is 0deg. This switch can be accomplished simply setting angle, but this control enables

◆ rotateTexture

Property polarBoardStimulus::rotateTexture

rotate the grating patch (false) or the grating texture within the patch (default = true)?

◆ scale

Property polarBoardStimulus::scale

scale is used when changing size as an independent variable to keep sf accurate

◆ sf

Property polarBoardStimulus::sf

"spatial frequency" of the circular grating at ~5deg sf is pretty relative as it changes from the center

◆ sf2

Property polarBoardStimulus::sf2

"spatial frequency" of the radial grating (number of spokes)

◆ sf2Cache

Property polarBoardStimulus::sf2Cache

◆ sfCache

Property polarBoardStimulus::sfCache

◆ shader

Property polarBoardStimulus::shader

the raw shader, we can try to change colours.

◆ sigma

Property polarBoardStimulus::sigma

only used for type='sine'

◆ tf

Property polarBoardStimulus::tf

temporal frequency of the grating

◆ type

Property polarBoardStimulus::type

default = '' | random dir changes = 'randdrift' tf affects circular and radial = 'spiraldrift' sine option with a different shader = 'sine'

◆ typeList

Constant Property polarBoardStimulus::typeList

◆ visibleFlip

Property polarBoardStimulus::visibleFlip

◆ visibleRate

Property polarBoardStimulus::visibleRate

turn stimulus on/off at X hz, [] diables this

◆ visibleTick

Property polarBoardStimulus::visibleTick

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: