Opticka 2.16.1
Opticka is an experiment manager for behavioral research.
No Matches
Todo List
Class baseStimulus
build up animatorManager functions
Class colourGratingStimulus
phase appears different to gratingStimulus, work out why
Class opticka

expose maskStimulus settings in the optickaGUI

more flexible tweaking of arduino settings

Class polarBoardStimulus
spatial and temporal frequency is approximated
Class polarGratingStimulus
phase appears different to gratingStimulus, work out why
Class runExperiment
refactor checkKey(): can we use a config for keyboard commands?
Member runExperiment::runMOC (in me, in tS)
currently we can only record eye positions with the eyelink, add other tracker support
Class taskSequence
integrate carryoverCounterbalance() as an alternative to block randomisation...
Class tobiiManager
handle new eye-openness signals in new SDK https://developer.tobiipro.com/commonconcepts/eyeopenness.html