Manages the iRec eyetrackers
The eyetrackerCore methods enable the user to test for common behavioural eye tracking tasks with single commands.
Multiple fixation windows can be assigned, the windows can be either circular or rectangular. In addition rectangular exclusion windows can ensure a subject doesn't saccade to particular parts of the screen. fixInit allows you to define a minimum time with which the subject must initiate a saccade away from a position (which stops a subject cheating in a trial).
To initiate a task we normally place a fixation cross on the screen and ask the subject to saccade to the cross and maintain fixation for a particular duration. This is achieved using testSearchHoldFixation('yes','no'), using the properties: fixation.initTime to time how long the subject has to saccade into the window, fixation.time for how long they must maintain fixation, fixation.radius for the radius around fixation.X and fixation.Y position. The method returns the 'yes' string if the rules are matched, and 'no' if they are not, thus enabling experiment code to simply define what happened. Other methods include isFixated(), testFixationTime(), testHoldFixation().
Copyright ©2014-2023 Ian Max Andolina — released: LGPL3, see
function | iRecManager (in varargin) |
function | initialise (in me, in sM, in sM2) |
| initialise
function | trackerSetup (in me, in varargin) |
| calibration + validation
function | startRecording (in me, in ignoredArg) |
| startRecording - for iRec this just starts TCP online access, all data is saved to CSV irrespective of this
function | stopRecording (in me, in ignoredArg) |
| stopRecording - for iRec this just stops TCP online access, all data is saved to CSV irrespective of this
function | getSample (in me) |
| get latest sample from the tracker, if dummymode=true then use the mouse as an eye signal
function | trackerMessage (in me, in message, in ignoredArg) |
| Send message to store in tracker data, for iRec this can only be a single 32bit signed integer.
function | close (in me) |
| close the iRec and cleanup, call after experiment finishes
function | runDemo (in me, in forcescreen) |
| runs a demo of this class, useful for testing
function | syncTrackerTime (in varargin) |
| Sync time with tracker.
function | saveData (in varargin) |
| Save the data.
function | updateDefaults (in varargin) |
function | checkEye (in me) |
| checks which eye is available, force left eye if binocular is enabled
function | statusMessage (in me, in message) |
| displays status message on tracker, only sets it if message is not the previous message, so loop safe.
function | edfMessage (in me, in message) |
| send message to store in tracker data (compatibility)
function | setup (in me) |
function | setOffline (in me) |
| set into offline / idle mode
function | checkConnection (in me) |
| check the connection with the tobii
function | driftCorrection (in me) |
| wrapper for EyelinkDoDriftCorrection
function | currentMode (in me) |
| check what mode the is in
function | syncTime (in me) |
| Sync time with tracker: send int32(-1000)
function | getTimeOffset (in me) |
| Get offset between tracker and display computers.
function | getTrackerTime (in me) |
| Get tracker time.
function | checkRecording (in me) |
virtual | initialise (in in) |
| ALL Children must implement these methods!
virtual | trackerSetup (in in) |
virtual | startRecording (in in) |
virtual | stopRecording (in in) |
virtual | trackerMessage (in in) |
virtual | statusMessage (in in) |
virtual | runDemo (in in) |
function | eyetrackerCore (in varargin) |
| This is the constructor for this class.
function | getMouseSample (in me) |
| get mouse sample as eye data
function | resetAll (in me) |
| reset all fixation/exclusion data
function | resetFixation (in me, in removeHistory) |
| reset the fixation counters ready for a new trial
function | resetExclusionZones (in me) |
| reset the exclusion state ready for a new trial
function | resetFixationTime (in me) |
| reset the fixation time ready for a new trial
function | resetFixationHistory (in me) |
| reset the recent fixation history: xAll yAll pupilAll
function | resetFixInit (in me) |
| reset the fixation initiation to 0
function | resetOffset (in me) |
| reset the fixation offset to 0
function | driftOffset (in me) |
| our own version of eyelink's drift correct
function | updateFixationValues (in me, in x, in y, in inittime, in fixtime, in radius, in strict) |
function | updateExclusionZones (in me, in x, in y, in radius) |
| Sinlge method to update the exclusion zones, can pass multiple x & y values for multiple exclusion zones, sharing the same radius.
function | isFixated (in me) |
| isFixated tests for fixation and updates the fixLength time
function | testExclusion (in me) |
| testExclusion
function | testSearchHoldFixation (in me, in yesString, in noString) |
| Checks for both searching and then maintaining fix. Input is 2 strings, either one is returned depending on success or failure, 'searching' may also be returned meaning the fixation window hasn't been entered yet, and 'fixing' means the fixation time is not yet met... 'blinking' can be returned when ignoreBlinks = true and we think a blink may be occuring.
function | testHoldFixation (in me, in yesString, in noString) |
| Checks if we're still within fix window. Input is 2 strings, either one is returned depending on success or failure, 'fixing' means the fixation time is not yet met...
function | testWithinFixationWindow (in me, in yesString, in noString) |
| testWithinFixationWindow simply tests we are in fixwindow
function | testFixationTime (in me, in yesString, in noString) |
| Checks if we've maintained fixation for correct time, if true return yesString, if not return noString. This allows an external code to quickly select a string based on this. Use.
function | checkEye (in me) |
| checks which eye is available, force left eye if binocular is enabled
function | drawEyePosition (in me, in ignoredArg) |
| draw the current eye position on the main PTB display
function | drawEyePositions (in me) |
| draw the sampled eye positions in xAll yAll on the subject screen
function | trackerTrialStart (in me, in trialNumber, in task, in stimuli) |
| Send trial start information to tracker.
function | trackerTrialEnd (in me, in result) |
| Send trial end information to tracker.
function | trackerClearScreen (in me) |
| draw the background colour
function | trackerFlip (in me, in dontclear, in force) |
| flip the tracker display, always use dontsync
function | trackerDrawStatus (in me, in comment, in stimPos, in dontClear, in dontFlip) |
| draw general status
function | trackerDrawStimuli (in me, in ts, in dontClear) |
| draw the stimuli boxes on the tracker display
function | trackerDrawFixation (in me) |
| draw the fixation box on the tracker display
function | trackerDrawExclusion (in me) |
| draw the fixation box on the tracker display
function | trackerDrawEyePosition (in me) |
| draw the fixation position on the tracker display
function | trackerDrawEyePositions (in me) |
| draw the sampled eye positions in xAll yAll
function | trackerDrawText (in me, in textIn) |
| draw the fixation box on the tracker display
function | doFlip (in me) |
function | edfMessage (in me, in message) |
| send message to store in EDF data
function | getEvent (in me) |
function | saveData (in me, in args) |
| compatibility with tobiiManager
function | optickaCore (in varargin) |
| Class constructor.
function get | fullName (in me) |
function | getALF (in me, in subject, in sessionPrefix, in lab, in create) |
function | findAttributes (in me, in attrName, in attrValue) |
function | findAttributesandType (in me, in attrName, in attrValue, in type) |
| find properties of object with specific attributes, for example all properties whose GetAcccess attribute is public and type is logical.
function | findPropertyDefault (in me, in propName) |
function | clone (in me) |
| Use this syntax to make a deep copy of the object, i.e. OBJ_OUT has the same field values, but will not behave as a handle-copy of me anymore.
function | checkSuperclasses (in List) |
function | editProperties (in me, in properties) |
| method to modify a set of properties
function | setProp (in me, in property, in value) |
| method to fast change a particular value. This is useful for use in anonymous functions, like in the state machine.
function | initialiseGlobals (in me, in doReset, in doOpen) |
function | initialiseSaveFile (in me) |
| Initialise Save prefix.
function | checkPaths (in me) |
| checks the paths are valid
function | eyetrackerSmooth () |
| This is the constructor for this class.
function get | smoothingTime (in me) |
| calculate smoothing Time in ms
function | doSmoothing (in me, in in) |
| smooth data in M x N where M = 2 (x&y trace) or M = 4 is x&y for both eyes. Output is 2 x 1 x + y average position
static function | makeArgs (in args) |
| Converts cell args to structure array.
static function | addDefaults (in args, in defs) |
| add default options to arg input
static function | hasKey (in in, in key) |
| check if a struct / object has a propery / field
static function | getKeys (in device) |
| PTB Get key presses, stops key bouncing.
static function | heuristicFilter (in indata, in level, in steps) |
| Stampe 1993 heuristic filter as used by Eyelink.
function | drawValidationResults (in me, in n) |
function | toDegrees (in me, in in, in axis, in inputtype) |
| to visual degrees from pixels
function | toPixels (in me, in in, in axis, in inputtype) |
| to pixels from visual degrees / relative input can be [x] [y] [-x -y +x +y]('rect') [xy] or [-x +x -y +y]
function | parseArgs (in me, in args, in allowedProperties) |
| Sets properties from a structure or normal arguments pairs, ignores invalid or non-allowed properties.
function | addArgs (in me, in args) |
function | setPaths (in me) |
| Sets properties from a structure or normal arguments pairs, ignores invalid or non-allowed properties.
function | getFonts (in me) |
| set paths for object
function | toStructure (in me) |
| Converts properties to a structure.
function | getType (in me, in in) |
function | logOutput (in me, in in, in message, in override) |
| Give a metaproperty return the likely property class.
function | salutation (in me, in varargin) |
| Prints messages dependent on verbosity.