annulusStimulus TODO
Copyright ©2014-2022 Ian Max Andolina — released: LGPL3, see
function | annulusStimulus (in args) |
function | construct (in obj, in ignoredArg) |
virtual | setup (in runObject) |
| ALL Children must implement these 5 methods!
virtual | draw (in runObject) |
| draw to the screen buffer, ready for flip()
virtual | animate (in runObject) |
| animate the stimulus, normally called after a draw
virtual | update (in runObject) |
virtual | reset (in runObject) |
function | baseStimulus (in varargin) |
| Class constructor.
function set | colour (in me, in value) |
| colour set method Allow 1 (R=G=B) 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA) value colour
function set | alpha (in me, in value) |
| alpha set method
function get | delta (in me) |
| delta Get method delta is the normalised number of pixels per frame to move a stimulus
function get | dX (in me) |
| dX Get method X position increment for a given delta and angle
function get | dY (in me) |
| dY Get method Y position increment for a given delta and angle
function | show (in me) |
| Method to set isVisible=true.
function | hide (in me) |
| Method to set isVisible=false.
function | setOffTime (in me, in time) |
| set offTime
function | setDelayTime (in me, in time) |
| set delayTime
function | resetTicks (in me) |
| reset the various tick counters for our stimulus
function | getMousePosition (in me) |
| get mouse position we make sure this is only called once per animation tick to improve performance and ensure all stimuli that are following mouse position have consistent X and Y per frame update This sets mouseX and mouseY and mouseValid if mouse is within PTB screen (useful for mouse override positioning for stimuli)
function | run (in me, in benchmark, in runtime, in s, in forceScreen, in showVBL) |
| Run stimulus in a window to preview it.
function | makePanel (in me, in parent) |
| make a GUI properties panel for this object
function | selectFilePanel (in me, in varargin) |
| read values from a GUI properties panel for this object
function | readPanel (in me, in varargin) |
| read values from a GUI properties panel for this object
function | showPanel (in me) |
| show GUI properties panel for this object
function | hidePanel (in me) |
| hide GUI properties panel for this object
function | closePanel (in me, in varargin) |
| close GUI panel for this object
function | cleanHandles (in me, in ignoredArg) |
| clean any handles
function | getP (in me, in name, in range) |
| gets a property copy or original property
function | setP (in me, in name, in value) |
| sets a property copy or original property
function | updateXY (in me, in x, in y, in useDegrees) |
| Update only position info, faster and doesn't reset image etc.
function | optickaCore (in varargin) |
| Class constructor.
function get | fullName (in me) |
function | getALF (in me, in subject, in sessionPrefix, in lab, in create) |
function | findAttributes (in me, in attrName, in attrValue) |
function | findAttributesandType (in me, in attrName, in attrValue, in type) |
| find properties of object with specific attributes, for example all properties whose GetAcccess attribute is public and type is logical.
function | findPropertyDefault (in me, in propName) |
function | clone (in me) |
| Use this syntax to make a deep copy of the object, i.e. OBJ_OUT has the same field values, but will not behave as a handle-copy of me anymore.
function | checkSuperclasses (in List) |
function | editProperties (in me, in properties) |
| method to modify a set of properties
function | setProp (in me, in property, in value) |
| method to fast change a particular value. This is useful for use in anonymous functions, like in the state machine.
function | initialiseGlobals (in me, in doReset, in doOpen) |
function | initialiseSaveFile (in me) |
| Initialise Save prefix.
function | checkPaths (in me) |
| checks the paths are valid
Property | method |
Property | sf1 |
Property | sf2 |
Property | tf1 |
Property | tf2 |
Property | angle1 |
Property | angle2 |
Property | phase1 |
Property | phase2 |
Property | contrast1 |
Property | contrast2 |
Property | texid |
Property | type |
| stimulus type
Property | xPosition |
Property | yPosition |
Property | size |
Property | colour |
Property | alpha |
| Alpha (opacity) [0-1], this gets combined with the RGB colour.
Property | startPosition |
Property | speed |
Property | angle |
| angle in degrees (0 - 360)
Property | delayTime |
Property | offTime |
| time to turn stimulus off, relative to stimulus onset
Property | isVisible |
| true or false, whether to draw() this object
Property | mouseOverride |
| override X and Y position with mouse input? Useful for RF mapping
Property | showOnTracker |
| show the position on the Eyetracker display?
Property | verbose |
| Do we log extra details to the command-line?
Property | xFinal |
Property | yFinal |
Property | mvRect |
Property | szIsPx |
Property | szPx |
| computed size in pixels
Property | szD |
| computed size in °
Property | xFinalD |
| X and Y position in °
Property | yFinalD |
Property | isRect |
Property | tick |
| tick updates +1 on each call of draw (even if delay or off is true and no stimulus is drawn, resets on each update
Property | drawTick |
| draw tick only updates when a draw is actually performed, resets on each update
Property | ppd |
| pixels per degree (normally inhereted from screenManager)
Property | delta |
| What our per-frame motion delta is.
Property | dX |
| X update which is computed from our speed and angle.
Property | dY |
| X update which is computed from our speed and angle.
Property | name |
| object name
Property | comment |
| comment
Property | verbose |
| verbose logging, subclasses must assign this. This is normally logical true/false
Property | dateStamp |
| clock() dateStamp set on construction
Property | uuid |
| universal ID
Property | paths |
| storage of various paths
Property | fullName |
| The fullName is the object name combined with its uuid and class name.
enum | Events { readPanelUpdate
} |
static function | d2r (in degrees) |
| degrees2radians
static function | r2d (in r) |
| radians2degrees
static function | findDistance (in x1, in y1, in x2, in y2) |
| findDistance in X and Y coordinates
static function | updatePosition (in delta, in angle) |
| updatePosition returns dX and dY given an angle and delta
static function | makeArgs (in args) |
| Converts cell args to structure array.
static function | addDefaults (in args, in defs) |
| add default options to arg input
static function | hasKey (in in, in key) |
| check if a struct / object has a propery / field
static function | getKeys (in device) |
| PTB Get key presses, stops key bouncing.
function | addRuntimeProperties (in me) |
| These are transient properties that specify actions during runtime.
function | updateRuntimeProperties (in me) |
| Update transient properties that specify actions during runtime.
function | computePosition (in me) |
| compute xFinal and yFinal (in pixels) taking startPosition, xPosition, yPosition and direction/angle into account
function | setAnimationDelta (in me) |
function | setRect (in me) |
function | toStructure (in me, in tmp) |
| Converts properties to a structure.
function | removeTmpProperties (in me) |
| Finds and removes dynamic properties.
function | delete (in me) |
function | parseArgs (in me, in args, in allowedProperties) |
| Sets properties from a structure or normal arguments pairs, ignores invalid or non-allowed properties.
function | addArgs (in me, in args) |
function | setPaths (in me) |
| Sets properties from a structure or normal arguments pairs, ignores invalid or non-allowed properties.
function | getFonts (in me) |
| set paths for object
function | toStructure (in me) |
| Converts properties to a structure.
function | getType (in me, in in) |
function | logOutput (in me, in in, in message, in override) |
| Give a metaproperty return the likely property class.
function | salutation (in me, in varargin) |
| Prints messages dependent on verbosity.
Property | family |
| the stimulus family (grating, dots etc.)
Property | texture |
| Our texture pointer for texture-based stimuli.
Property | handles |
| handles for the GUI
Property | sM |
| our screen manager
Property | animator |
| animation manager
Property | screenVals |
| screen settings generated by sM on setup
Property | isSetup |
Property | isGUI |
| is panel constructed?
Property | dstRect |
| initial screen rectangle position [LEFT TOP RIGHT BOTTOM]
Property | mouseValid |
| is mouse position within screen co-ordinates?
Property | mouseX |
| mouse X position
Property | mouseY |
| mouse Y position
Property | delayTicks |
| delay ticks to wait until display
Property | offTicks |
| ticks before stimulus turns off
Property | inSetup |
| are we setting up?
Property | delta_ |
| delta cache
Property | dX_ |
| dX cache
Property | dY_ |
| dY cache
Property | isInSetColour |
| deal with interaction of colour and alpha
Property | setLoop |
Property | ignorePropertiesBase |
| Which properties to ignore cloning when making transient copies in setup.
Property | ignorePropertiesUIBase |
| Which properties to not draw in the UI panel.
Property | cloning |
| are we cloning this from another object
Property | mversion |
| Matlab version number, this is transient so it is not saved.
Property | sansFont |
| sans font
Property | monoFont |
| monoFont
Property | className |
| class name
Property | savePrefix |
| save prefix generated from clock time
Property | fullName_ |
| cached full name