Opticka 2.16.1
Opticka is an experiment manager for behavioral research.
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stateMachine Class Reference

run a task via a series of states. More...

Detailed Description

run a task via a series of states.

stateMachine allows a set of 'states' to be run, with functions executed on entering state, within the state, and on exiting the state. States can be linked, so a 'middle' state can be run after a 'start' state. States can run in a loop (run() method) and use either real time as assesed using the clockFcn fHandle property or via tick time, where each update() to the stateMachine is a 'tick'. Tick time is useful when controlled via an external manager like the Psychophysics toolbox which uses display refresh as a natural tick timer.

║ ┌─────────┐ ┌─────────┐ ║
║ │ STATE 1 │ │ STATE 2 │ ║
║ ┌──────────┴─────────┴───────────┐ ┌──────────┴─────────┴──────────┐ ║
║ ┌────┴────┐ ┌────────┐ ┌────┴───┐ ┌────┴────┐ ┌────────┐ ┌────┴───┐ ║
╚═▶│ ENTER │─────▶│ WITHIN │─────▶│ EXIT │══════▶│ ENTER │─────▶│ WITHIN │────▶│ EXIT │══╣
└────┬────┘ └────────┘ └────┬───┘ └────┬────┘ └────────┘ └────┬───┘ ║
│ ┌──────────┐ │ │ ┌──────────┐ │ ║
└──────────┤TRANSITION├──────────┘ └──────────┤TRANSITION├─────────┘ ║
└─────╦────┘ └──────────┘ ║
║ ┌─────────┐ ║
║ │ STATE 3 │ ║
║ ┌──────────┴─────────┴───────────┐ ║
║ ┌────┴────┐ ┌────────┐ ┌────┴───┐ ║
╚═▶│ ENTER │─────▶│ WITHIN │─────▶│ EXIT │══════════════════════════╝
└────┬────┘ └────────┘ └────┬───┘
│ ┌──────────┐ │

States have 4 fundamental evaluation points: ENTER, WITHIN, TRANSITION and EXIT. Each evaluation point takes a cell array of functions to run. TRANSITION evaluation is used to allow logic to switch from a default transition path to an alternate. For example, you can imagine a default stimulus > incorrect transition, but if the subject answers correctly you can use the transition evaluation to switch instead to the correct state.

To run a demo, try the following:

>> sm = stateMachine;
>> runDemo(sm);
run a task via a series of states.
Definition stateMachine.m:56
function runDemo(in me)
runDemo runs a sample state machine session

To see how to run the stateMacine from a PTB loop, see runExperiment.runTask(); and check DefaultStateInfo.m and METHODS.md

Copyright ©2014-2022 Ian Max Andolina — released: LGPL3, see LICENCE.md

Inheritance diagram for stateMachine:

Public Member Functions

function stateMachine (in varargin)
 Class constructor.
function addStates (in me, in newStates)
 Add new states to the state machine.
function addState (in me, in newState)
 add a single State to the state machine
function editStateByName (in me, in stateName, in varargin)
function getState (in me, in stateName)
 getState retrieve a named state from the state list
function update (in me)
 update the state machine, normally run via an external loop
function forceTransition (in me, in stateName)
 forceTransition force the state machine into a new named state
function start (in me)
 start the state machine
function finish (in me, in force)
 finish stop the state machine
function run (in me)
 run automomously run the state machine
function isStateName (in me, in stateName)
 Check whether a string is the name of a state.
function evalExitFcn (in me, in value)
 evalExitFcn sets current state skipExit value
function printCurrentTick (in me)
 printcurrentTick prints current (and total) ticks to command window
function UUID (in me)
 UUID function to return current UUID via a method.
function reset (in me)
 reset the object
function runDemo (in me)
 runDemo runs a sample state machine session
function warmUp (in me)
 warmup state machine
function set skipExitStates (in me, in list)
 skip exit state functions: sets an N x 2 cell array
function showLog (in me)
 show the log if present
- Public Member Functions inherited from optickaCore
function optickaCore (in varargin)
 Class constructor.
function get fullName (in me)
function getALF (in me, in subject, in sessionPrefix, in lab, in create)
function findAttributes (in me, in attrName, in attrValue)
function findAttributesandType (in me, in attrName, in attrValue, in type)
 find properties of object with specific attributes, for example all properties whose GetAcccess attribute is public and type is logical.
function findPropertyDefault (in me, in propName)
function clone (in me)
 Use this syntax to make a deep copy of the object, i.e. OBJ_OUT has the same field values, but will not behave as a handle-copy of me anymore.
function checkSuperclasses (in List)
function editProperties (in me, in properties)
 method to modify a set of properties
function setProp (in me, in property, in value)
 method to fast change a particular value. This is useful for use in anonymous functions, like in the state machine.
function initialiseGlobals (in me, in doReset, in doOpen)
function initialiseSaveFile (in me)
 Initialise Save prefix.
function checkPaths (in me)
 checks the paths are valid

Static Public Member Functions

static function plotLogs (in log, in tin)
 loadobj handler
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from optickaCore
static function makeArgs (in args)
 Converts cell args to structure array.
static function addDefaults (in args, in defs)
 add default options to arg input
static function hasKey (in in, in key)
 check if a struct / object has a propery / field
static function getKeys (in device)
 PTB Get key presses, stops key bouncing.

Public Attributes

Property stateList
 our state list, stored as a structure
Property realTime
Property timeDelta
Property clockFcn
 clock function to use (GetSecs from PTB is optimal…)
Property skipExitStates
Property tempNextState
Property verbose
 verbose logging to command window?
Property waitFcn
 pause function (WaitSecs from PTB is optimal…)
Property fnTimers
 do we run timers for function evaluations?
Property logSize
 size of the log arrays to preallocate
Property isRunning
 true or false, whether this object is currently busy running
Property totalTicks
 total number of ticks, updated via runBriefly() and update()
Property startTime
 time at start of stateMachine
Property finalTime
 final time a finish
Property finalTick
 final ticks at finish
Property currentState
 current state
Property currentName
 current state name
Property currentUUID
 current state uuid
Property currentIndex
 current state index
Property currentTick
 ticks within the current state
Property currentTime
 time within current state
Property currentEntryTime
 time entered current state
Property currentEntryFcn
 current entry function
Property currentWithinFcn
 current within function
Property currentTransitionFcn
 current transition function
Property currentExitFcn
 current exit function
Property nextTickOut
 number of ticks before next transition when realTime = false
Property nextTimeOut
 time before next transition when realTime = true
Property stateListIndex
 Index with name and index number for each state.
Property log
 run state information
- Public Attributes inherited from optickaCore
Property name
 object name
Property comment
Property verbose
 verbose logging, subclasses must assign this. This is normally logical true/false
Property dateStamp
 clock() dateStamp set on construction
Property uuid
 universal ID
Property paths
 storage of various paths
Property fullName
 The fullName is the object name combined with its uuid and class name.

Protected Member Functions

function transitionToStateWithName (in me, in nextName)
 transition to a named state
function exitCurrentState (in me)
 exit current state
function enterStateAtIndex (in me, in thisIndex)
 enters a particular state
function initialiseLog (in me, in n)
 initialise the log arrays to improve performance
function finaliseLog (in me)
 clear up log arrays
- Protected Member Functions inherited from optickaCore
function parseArgs (in me, in args, in allowedProperties)
 Sets properties from a structure or normal arguments pairs, ignores invalid or non-allowed properties.
function addArgs (in me, in args)
function setPaths (in me)
 Sets properties from a structure or normal arguments pairs, ignores invalid or non-allowed properties.
function getFonts (in me)
 set paths for object
function toStructure (in me)
 Converts properties to a structure.
function getType (in me, in in)
function logOutput (in me, in in, in message, in override)
 Give a metaproperty return the likely property class.
function salutation (in me, in varargin)
 Prints messages dependent on verbosity.

Protected Attributes

Property nStates
 number of states
Property thisN
 current state number
Property isFinishing
 should we run the finish function
Property stateFields
 field names of allStates struct array, defining state behaviors
Property stateDefaults
 default values of allStates struct array fields
Property allowedProperties
 properties allowed during construction
Property logFields
Property logValues
- Protected Attributes inherited from optickaCore
Property cloning
 are we cloning this from another object
Property mversion
 Matlab version number, this is transient so it is not saved.
Property sansFont
 sans font
Property monoFont
Property className
 class name
Property savePrefix
 save prefix generated from clock time
Property fullName_
 cached full name

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ stateMachine()

function stateMachine::stateMachine ( in  varargin)

Class constructor.

More detailed description of what the constructor does.

argsare passed as a structure of properties which is parsed.
instance of class.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addState()

function stateMachine::addState ( in  me,
in  newState 

add a single State to the state machine

newStatea state structure
newStateIndex an index to the state position in the state list

◆ addStates()

function stateMachine::addStates ( in  me,
in  newStates 

Add new states to the state machine.

newStatesa cell array with information defining a state.
newStateIndexes indexes to newly added states

◆ editStateByName()

function stateMachine::editStateByName ( in  me,
in  stateName,
in  varargin 

Edit fields of an existing state.

stateNamestring name of an existing state in allStates
vararginflexible number of field-value paris to edit the fields of the stateName state.

Assigns the given values to the given fields of the existing state that has the name stateName. varargin represents a flexible number of traling arguments passed to editStateByName(). The first argument in each pair should be one of the field names of the allStates struct, which include the default state fields described for addField() and the names of any sharedEntry or sharedExit fevalables. The second argument in each pair should be a value to assign to the named field.

Editing the name field of a state might cause the state machine to misbehave.

Returns the index into allStates of the stateName state. If stateName is not the name of an existing state, returns [].

◆ enterStateAtIndex()

function stateMachine::enterStateAtIndex ( in  me,
in  thisIndex 

enters a particular state

thisIndex,theindex number of the state

◆ evalExitFcn()

function stateMachine::evalExitFcn ( in  me,
in  value 

evalExitFcn sets current state skipExit value

◆ exitCurrentState()

function stateMachine::exitCurrentState ( in  me)

exit current state



◆ finaliseLog()

function stateMachine::finaliseLog ( in  me)

clear up log arrays



◆ finish()

function stateMachine::finish ( in  me,
in  force 

finish stop the state machine

◆ forceTransition()

function stateMachine::forceTransition ( in  me,
in  stateName 

forceTransition force the state machine into a new named state

stateNamename of the state to transition to

◆ getState()

function stateMachine::getState ( in  me,
in  stateName 

getState retrieve a named state from the state list

stateNamename of a particular state
state the individual state

◆ initialiseLog()

function stateMachine::initialiseLog ( in  me,
in  n 

initialise the log arrays to improve performance

nnumber of entries

◆ isStateName()

function stateMachine::isStateName ( in  me,
in  stateName 

Check whether a string is the name of a state.

stateNamea state name
isState logical
index position in the state list

◆ plotLogs()

static function stateMachine::plotLogs ( in  log,
in  tin 

loadobj handler

plot timing logs

◆ printCurrentTick()

function stateMachine::printCurrentTick ( in  me)

printcurrentTick prints current (and total) ticks to command window

◆ reset()

function stateMachine::reset ( in  me)

reset the object

◆ run()

function stateMachine::run ( in  me)

run automomously run the state machine

◆ runDemo()

function stateMachine::runDemo ( in  me)

runDemo runs a sample state machine session

◆ showLog()

function stateMachine::showLog ( in  me)

show the log if present



◆ skipExitStates()

function set stateMachine::skipExitStates ( in  me,
in  list 

skip exit state functions: sets an N x 2 cell array

listNx2 cell array list of strings to compare

◆ start()

function stateMachine::start ( in  me)

start the state machine

◆ transitionToStateWithName()

function stateMachine::transitionToStateWithName ( in  me,
in  nextName 

transition to a named state

nextNamethe next state to switch to

◆ update()

function stateMachine::update ( in  me)

update the state machine, normally run via an external loop

◆ UUID()

function stateMachine::UUID ( in  me)

UUID function to return current UUID via a method.

◆ warmUp()

function stateMachine::warmUp ( in  me)

warmup state machine

Member Data Documentation

◆ allowedProperties

Property stateMachine::allowedProperties

properties allowed during construction

◆ clockFcn

Property stateMachine::clockFcn

clock function to use (GetSecs from PTB is optimal…)

◆ currentEntryFcn

Property stateMachine::currentEntryFcn

current entry function

◆ currentEntryTime

Property stateMachine::currentEntryTime

time entered current state

◆ currentExitFcn

Property stateMachine::currentExitFcn

current exit function

◆ currentIndex

Property stateMachine::currentIndex

current state index

◆ currentName

Property stateMachine::currentName

current state name

◆ currentState

Property stateMachine::currentState

current state

◆ currentTick

Property stateMachine::currentTick

ticks within the current state

◆ currentTime

Property stateMachine::currentTime

time within current state

◆ currentTransitionFcn

Property stateMachine::currentTransitionFcn

current transition function

◆ currentUUID

Property stateMachine::currentUUID

current state uuid

◆ currentWithinFcn

Property stateMachine::currentWithinFcn

current within function

◆ finalTick

Property stateMachine::finalTick

final ticks at finish

◆ finalTime

Property stateMachine::finalTime

final time a finish

◆ fnTimers

Property stateMachine::fnTimers

do we run timers for function evaluations?

◆ isFinishing

Property stateMachine::isFinishing

should we run the finish function

◆ isRunning

Property stateMachine::isRunning

true or false, whether this object is currently busy running

◆ log

Property stateMachine::log

run state information

◆ logFields

Property stateMachine::logFields

◆ logSize

Property stateMachine::logSize

size of the log arrays to preallocate

◆ logValues

Property stateMachine::logValues

◆ nextTickOut

Property stateMachine::nextTickOut

number of ticks before next transition when realTime = false

◆ nextTimeOut

Property stateMachine::nextTimeOut

time before next transition when realTime = true

◆ nStates

Property stateMachine::nStates

number of states

◆ realTime

Property stateMachine::realTime

use real time (true, using @clockFcn) or ticks (false) to mark state time. Real time is more accurate / robust against unexpected delays. Ticks uses timeDelta per tick and a tick timer (each update loop is 1 tick) for time measurement. This is simpler, can be controlled by an external driver that deals with timing, and without supervision but delays in the external update may cause drift.

◆ skipExitStates

Property stateMachine::skipExitStates

N x 2 cell array of strings to compare, list to skip the current -> next state's exit functions; for example skipExitStates = {'fixate',{'incorrect','breakfix'}}; means that if the currentstate is 'fixate' and the next state is either incorrect OR breakfix, then skip the FIXATE exit state. Add multiple rows for skipping multiple state's exit states.

◆ startTime

Property stateMachine::startTime

time at start of stateMachine

◆ stateDefaults

Property stateMachine::stateDefaults

default values of allStates struct array fields

◆ stateFields

Property stateMachine::stateFields

field names of allStates struct array, defining state behaviors

◆ stateList

Property stateMachine::stateList

our state list, stored as a structure

◆ stateListIndex

Property stateMachine::stateListIndex

Index with name and index number for each state.

◆ tempNextState

Property stateMachine::tempNextState

for a state transition you can override the next state, but this is reset on the transition, so you need logic at runtime to set this value each time. This can be used in an experiment where you set this when you are in state A, and based on a probability you can transition to state B or state C for example. See taskSequence.trialVar and runExperiment.updateNextState for the tools to use this.

◆ thisN

Property stateMachine::thisN

current state number

◆ timeDelta

Property stateMachine::timeDelta

timedelta for time > ticks calculation, assume 0.1ms (1e-4) by default can set to IFI of display. This sets the "resolution" when realTime == false

◆ totalTicks

Property stateMachine::totalTicks

total number of ticks, updated via runBriefly() and update()

◆ verbose

Property stateMachine::verbose

verbose logging to command window?

◆ waitFcn

Property stateMachine::waitFcn

pause function (WaitSecs from PTB is optimal…)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: