
Behavioural Experiment Generator

View the Project on GitHub iandol/opticka

Opticka: Behavioural Experiment Manager

DOI Open in Visual Studio Code Maintenance GPLv3 license

Opticka is an object-oriented framework with optional GUI for the Psychophysics toolbox (PTB), allowing full experimental presentation of complex visual or other stimuli. It is designed to work on Linux, macOS or Windows. It interfaces via strobed words and/or ethernet for recording neurophysiological and behavioural data. Full behavioural task control is available by use of a Finite State-Machine controller, in addition to simple method of constants (MOC) experiments. Opticka uses the TCP interface for Eyelink, Tobii Pro and iRecHS2 eyetrackers affording better control, reliability and data recording over depending on analog voltage output (we don’t need a DAQ card for eye data). The various base classes can be used without the need to run the GUI (see optickatest.m for an example), and plug-n-play stimuli provide a unified interface (setup, animate, draw, update, reset) to integrate into other PTB routines. Opticka’s methods take care of all the background geometry and normalisation, meaning stimuli are much easier to use than “raw” PTB commands alone. Analysis routines are also present for taking e.g. Plexon files (.PL2 or .PLX), Eyelink files (.EDF), and behavioural responses and parsing them into a consistent structure, interfacing directly with Fieldtrip for further spike, LFP, and spike-LFP analysis. Opticka is more modular and affords much better stimulus control (most stimuli are optimised OpenGL with advanced control thanks to PTB) than e.g. MonkeyLogic.

Sample hardware setup

The diagram below shows a sample Opticka configuration setup. Note that the eyetracker, display, synchronisation and electrophysiology systems can be swapped for other hardware (see the list below). While I prefer using a Display++ or a DataPixx/ViewPixx to ensure temporal fidelity, you can use a LabJack or Arduino for synchronisation (where a photodiode becomes more important):

Example hardware setup to run Opticka


A GUI can be used to control the hardware, stimuli and variables needed for both method of constant (MOC) and more complex behavioural tasks that use the state machine.It is useful for cases where staff running an experiment are not themselves programmers, and when you need to change experiment or stimulus parameters quickly between runs. The GUI is not required to utilise the underlying classes…

o = opticka; %==run the GUI, returns an object 'o' for introspection from the command window...

Opticka Screenshot

State machine control

For more complex behavioural tasks, a state machine is used. You can still edit visual stimuli and task variables in the GUI, and then edit a StateInfo.m file that specifies states (like paused, prefixation, stimulus, correct, breakfix etc.) to be run and for each state which methods/functions are executed (cell arrays of functions that run on ENTER, WITHIN & EXIT of states). States can switch (TRANSITION) based on logic, for example a particular saccade or fixation or button responses to transition to a correct state… See an example StateInfo.m file here; and you can test a minimal generic state machine run using:

sM = stateMachine;

Hardware currently supported

Quick Documentation

optickatest.m is a minimal example showing a simple script-based method of constants (MOC) experiment with 11 different animated stimuli varying across angle, contrast and orientation. Read the Matlab-generated documentation here: optickatest.m Report. More complex behavioural control (gaze-contingent experiments with variable logic per trial) utilises a state machine, see optickaBehaviourTest.m Report. You can see examples of stateMachine control files in the CoreProtocols folder.

There is auto-generated class documentation here: Opticka Class Docs, that details the major classes and their methods and properties. This is generated from the comments in the code, which as always could be improved…

Basic Install Instructions

Opticka prefers the latest Psychophysics Toolbox (V3.0.17+) and at least MATLAB 2017a (it uses object-oriented property validation introduced in that version). It has been tested on 64bit Ubuntu 20.04 & macOS 12.x with MATLAB 2021b (newer versions are generally faster). You can simply download the GitHub ZIP File, unzip and CD to the folder and run addOptickaToPath.m. Or to keep easily up-to-date if you have git installed, clone this Github repo, CD to the folder then run addOptickaToPath.m.

Opticka currently works on Linux, macOS and Windows. The older LabJack U3/U6 interface currently only works under Linux and macOS; the LabJack T4/T7 does work cross-platform however. Linux is by far the best OS according the PTB developer Mario Kleiner, and receives the majority of development work from him, therefore it is strongly advised to use it for experiments. My experience is that Linux is much more robust and performant than macOS or Windows, and it is well worth the effort to use Linux for PTB experimental computers.

See Detailed instructions for full install details…


Eye tracker control

Opticka supports both Eyelink and Tobii Pro eyetrackers. It does this by developing a unified API, so the same commands are used to manage either eyetracker, meaning you don’t need to change code. The API offers a lot of useful features for behavioural control:


Opticka is licenced under the LGPL3 open source licence.